Sunday, May 29, 2016

Well, in this oportunity, I tell to you why I'm studying this career. The reason, is because, I love the science and the history of the human species, and for me, since I was a child, the arqueology  archeology was associated with history, however, now I know, that the european school of archaeology, is was really asociated with history, in the case of FACSO the model, is the american school of archaeology, that it was more asociated with anthropology, and this, with a strong basis in the sociology. 

I believe that my career, contribute to the society, but for me, the society it´s not a little society, but all the world, my career, help to rescue the  cultural heritage of the people, but this heritage belonging to all the peoples in the world. 

I stay sure that the better cuality in an archaeologist, is the capacity of think the possible implications that the data show us, and with it, generate cuestions to the current model. 

In this moment, I'm interested in two geographical areas, the first is polynesia, and I like study the cannibalism in this area. And finally, the other área of my interest, its Patagonia, and in this places i want study human groups asociated with the coast.


  1. I like archeology so much, but when I think in it, I feel bad, 'cause I think "we can't study the historical tradition of Chile, 'cause we haven't. We have just an Oligarch tradition, in fact, imposted, with the "cueca" or the thypical traditions performed all the years in september.
    We can study the Mapuches, or Aymaras, or Chonos, etc, but they aren't chilean people, the Mapuches are Mapuches, chonos are Chonos, etc.
    Like Chile, we just have a fucking capitalism tradition.

  2. I also relate history with sociology hehe
